Real-time kinematic systems aren’t exactly ground-breaking, but if you’ve done any study into precision agriculture technology, you’ve probably heard of them by now. In this post, we will cover the process of this technology as well as the potential benefits it might offer to your farm. RTK auto steer system

What is RTK?

Real-time kinematic (RTK) technology uses a network of ground stations to increase GPS accuracy by correcting for data imperfections. When compared to a standard GPS receiver, which only receives signals from satellites in orbit and then uses that information to estimate its location, speed, and time, a real-time kinematic (RTK) system can establish position with an extreme degree of precision because it consists of two components: a base station and a receiver. After receiving a satellite signal, the RTK station performs an analysis of it and makes any necessary adjustments before transmitting the revised signal to the receiver. You can accomplish the accuracy via the use of the SMAJAYU RTK auto steer system.

When it comes to operating RTK receivers, you won’t always need to purchase a separate base station. It is a result of the fact that most areas have RTK signal networks that are either open to the public or available for commercial use. In the event that your location does not currently have an RTK network, you will be required to get and install your own base station.

Applications of real-time kinematic GPS in farming:

RTK is a standard tool, and it is the most advanced agricultural equipment available today. RTK receivers are often found in tractors and other types of agricultural equipment that have autosteer capabilities. With the assistance of real-time kinematic positioning, acreage farmers can carry out their work with the highest degree of precision.

Benefits of using real-time kinematic GPS technology in agriculture:

Due to its higher degree of accuracy, real-time kinematic GPS technology offers a considerable advantage over conventional GPS and GNSS signals. Farmers may increase the precision of their operations in the field to within 1 centimeter by combining autosteer systems with RTK receivers. It leads to a considerable decrease in the amount of overlap between passes, which in turn shortens the time and fuel consumption needed to do a task.

Farmers use RTK technology to improve repeatability and prepare ahead of time, both of which lessen the likelihood that soil will get compacted. It is just another benefit of our RTK auto steer system. For instance, SMAJAYU’s RTK receivers and autosteer systems have the potential to boost farmers’ income while also cutting their input costs and labor requirements. 

An integrated approach in precision agriculture is the key to success:

Maintaining a tight rein on the fields during the growing season is crucial. Not just at the end of the process. It is vital to monitor the health of the crop, detect any nutritional deficits, watch the development of the leaves, and check the availability of water. 

Farmers can analyze the data using the gathered vegetative index maps, task maps that differentiate nitrogen fertilizers, plant protection agents, and desiccants are constructed. Farmers can download directly into the systems of the ship if necessary.

In addition to information on the condition of his crops, the farmer benefits from having access to real-world examples of solutions to the challenges he faces. It is essential to point out that manufacturers of machinery are enhancing the adaptability of their products by developing autonomous tractors. It is one example of this trend.

Farmers who have older models have the option of updating them in a way that is both simple and affordable. SMAJAYU is a company that offers many materials that might be useful in this regard:

  • The SMAJAYU GPS auto-steering system, which enables the effective monitoring, mapping, and recording of all field activities, allows you to rapidly export data from your tablet or smartphone to your personal computer (PC). Additionally, you can synchronize it with many additional GPS devices located on the farm.
  • RTK auto steer system improves accuracy by one centimeter with RTK signal. SAMAJAYU RTK system helps to generate your own RTK signal, transmits RTK correction via Radio and the Internet with a radius of 20+ km, and is compatible with an unlimited number of SMAJAYU’s receivers.
  • The SAMAJAYU RTK auto steer system is just what you need if you want to be able to work in low light while still having both of your hands-free. The additional benefit is that farmers can use it with tractor models from the past as well as those from the present (it can be used on both old and new tractors).

R26 GNSS Receiver GNSS RTK:

 RTK auto steer system

R26 receiver is able to meet the positioning and orientation requirements of a wide variety of businesses because of its high precision, low power consumption, and small size, making it a multipurpose instrument.


  • Exceptionally potent and boasting
  •  An extended active life span
  • Accuracy with a minimal impact on the use of resources
  • Compact, lightweight, and user-friendly, all rolled into one
  • Capability to switch between base and rover modes with complete freedom

Final thoughts:

Farmers are able to make use of cutting-edge precision farming technologies thanks to the assistance of SMAJAYU’s real-time kinematic GPS. It, in turn, helps them save money on resources such as water, fertilizer, and labor. There is a possibility that you may save between ten and thirty percent of your total spending on each product (according to the SMAJAYU users). Why not start the process of digitizing your farm right now to make the most of all that today’s agricultural technology has to offer and seize the opportunities it presents? Precise agricultural technology will helps farmers generate new avenues for more effective fieldwork and more significant financial gain. It is another way that farmers may benefit from the technology.